Hi! I am Jeremy Schrock, the founder and owner of Schrock's Custom Woodworking. I am one of the fortunate people in this world who get to do what I love for a living. I have a real passion for woodworking and love the challenges that come with each new job. I was born the son of a carpenter and spent my young days playing in the sawdust in my dad's shop. I started going out on jobs with him when I was 9 years old, and by the time I graduated high school it was clear to me what I wanted to do with my life. I became a full time carpenter and worked under the tutelage of my father for about 10 years before starting my own business. In 2015, I relocated my business from Ohio to South Carolina. Since moving to Greenville, we've slowly transitioned our business from interior trim carpentry to a full time box beam company.
When I'm not in the shop you will find me either standing in a river somewhere with pole in hand, climbing to the top of a mountain somewhere, at one of my boys games/band competitions, or at dinner with my lovely wife at the Purple Onion in Saluda.

My brother Mike graduated with a degree in education from Kent State University, before rediscovering his love for the family craft of woodworking. When I asked him if he wanted to move to South Carolina and help me restart my business, he and his wife Sarah jumped at the chance. He has been the steady force running the beam shop while I head up installations and manage the business.
He enjoys biking and fishing the rivers around the upstate with me. He lives in Berea SC with his wife Sarah and their cat Milo

My beautiful wife and my three boys are the reason I get up early everyday and hit the tools, the reason I stay up late working on designs and bids, and the reason I am always trying to become a better man.
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
Matthew 6:33